
Why Become A Member of AHPA?

The American Honey Producers Association has long been committed to upholding the common interest and general welfare of the American beekeeper. It is the only national beekeeping organization that reserves voting rights for beekeepers.

There are many challenges that face the honeybees and beekeepers. The AHPA is continually working on all levels of government to diminish and eliminate these problems. Several issues that the AHPA in the past and currently are working on are:

  • Anti-dumping and adulteration of honey
  • Pesticide issues
  • Funding for the USDA-ARS Bee Research Labs
  • Federal extension apiarists
  • Farm Programs such as ELAP and NAP
  • Disaster Payments
  • Standard of Identity for honey
  • Honey labeling
  • And other items to help further the profitability of the honey producer.

The AHPA pledges to do everything it can to improve the future of beekeeping for all beekeepers, no matter what their size.

Benefits of an AHPA Membership

All AHPA members will receive a subscription to the Honey Producer magazine. Honey Producer magazine that:

  •  Highlights current industry news
  •  Publishes submitted articles from the scientific community
  •  Informs you of legal battles being fought in Washington, DC
  •  Provides complete AHPA convention schedules
  •  Is published four times each year

A bi-weekly email “Latest News” newsletter.

You will also receive exclusive access to “Members Only” pages and content on our site.

Become a Member today! To register online, click here.

Or you can send in your register by mail, click here for printable version.

Membership Levels

Voting Members:

Commercial 3 (20,000 + hives)……….$5,000*˚

Commercial 2 (5,000 – 19,999 hives)……….$2,000*˚   

Commercial 1 (500 – 4,999 hives)……….$1,000*

Sideline (25 – 499 hives)……….$500*   

Hobbyist (1 – 24 hives)……….$100*   

*Voluntary contribution of $.50 per hive is welcomed and encouraged.

(ex. 4000 hives = $1000 plus ($.50 x 4000= $2000) = $3000 annual dues)

˚includes two voting memberships

Non – Voting Associate:

Firm or Beekeeping Association……….$500

Individual (Scientist-Apiary Inspector)……….$100